Huffington Post Blogposts for Parents

I write for the Huffington Post and much of what I write about is for parents and adults who are dealing with divorce issues.  Below is a list of those blogposts:

General Divorce Issues

Children and Divorce







2 thoughts on “Huffington Post Blogposts for Parents

  1. says:

    Excellent How to Book for Divorce. If your looking for a How to Book for a Legal Separation this book does not exapnd on the subject. Since Divorce and Legal Separation can be very similar when filing your paperwork, this book will help you through the process but you will have to fill in the blanks. Overall you can find a very detailed, well put together book with Step by Step instructions that takes you through the whole process from beginning to end. You will also find a time saving CD included with all the forms needed to file ( The CD alone is worth the price paid for this book). FYI If your limited on cash, you can always find this book at most libraries. Even though divorce is sad but a must for some. This book is a MUST have for a do-it-yourself person. Best Wishes!

  2. says:

    Dr. Warshak, Congratulations! Your experience, both clicanil and research will permeate the public about the perils of parental alienation. Readers of the Huffington Post will benefit from your contributions. It is an additional and vital avenue to get in touch with the masses. While the phenomenon is seen every day in family court; it is also frequently hidden behind closed doors. Children are living without one parent and irrationally fearing, or even hating the other. Indisputably progress has been made. Yet, far too many professionals, parents, and misinformed advocacy groups remain. Various groups do not understand that parental alienation is a relentless form of emotional abuse. Thank you for your efforts not only to educate the public, but thank you for the work that you do to educate professionals.Regards,Monika, Social Worker