Predicting the Future of Divorce

The hardest part about talking about divorce rates is that most of the reports in the news are wrong….(see comments here about this).

The good news is that sociologist, Philip N. Cohen, who writes the blog, Family Inequality, gives nice description of how life tables are used to forecast the divorce rate.  His is a bit of his post


Life table says divorce rate is 52.7%

After the eternal bliss, there are two ways out of marriage: divorce or death.

I have posted my code and calculations for divorce rates using the 2010-2012 American Community Survey as an Open Science Framework project. The files there should be enough to get you started if you want to make multiple-decrement life tables for divorce or other things.

Updated Lists of Programs and Resources for Parents

In the last few weeks I have received several requests about where to find programs for divorcing couples and stepfamilies.  There is a growing list of very good online resources and programs.  You can see my lists of these resources here:

Programs for Divorcing Parents

Programs & Onine Material for Children & Teens Whose parents are divorced


Updated List of Divorce Education Research List Nov, 2015

Just updated my list of references that measure the effectiveness and development of divorce education.

There are some new programs including an online program for unmarried parents developed by faculty at Indiana University.  Also, see an effort by Arizona State to measure the cost effectiveness of their program New Beginnings.  There are also other programs that expand the scope and understanding of divorce education.

Someone should update the list of states that now mandate divorce education.