Divorce Science Research Update 5-29-2015

This week’s summary is a report in The Journal of Chinese Sociology about the role of children (number, age, etc.) in predicting divorce.  Also, below is a figure showing the growth in the Chinese divorce rate.

A more complete list of research report about divorce, remarriage and stepfamilies published in 2015 or between 2010-2015.

Xu, Q., Yu, J., & Qiu, Z. (2015). The impact of children on divorce risk. The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 2(1), 1. http://www.journalofchinesesociology.com/content/2/1/1

Chinese Divorce Rate-- 1979-2009

New Evidence that the Divorce Rate has been going up the past 30 years

recent report by Sheela Kennedy and Steven Ruggles from the Minnesota Population Center at the University of Minnesota, challenges the common reports that the divorce has been declining.  In this 2014 report Kennedy and Ruggles write that rather than going down, the divorce rate in the US has been steadily increasing for the past 30 years. This is a startling and important reexamination of recent trends in divorce.

See longer discussion at Huffington Post……

New US Census Data on Divorce?

In the last 2-3 days I have seen several mentions in the “business press” about new 2012 US Census data on  the number of divorces increasing.  For example, here is the sentence from Bloomberg….Worsening divorce rate….  After doing some looking in the US Census data and American Community Survey…. I can’t find this data.  Anyone know where it is?

This figure provides the most current trend in US divorce rate in the last 10 years that I can find and here is the trend in US divorce rates over the past 100 years. 

European Countries that Legalized Divorce in Recent Decades

European Countries -- Recently Legalized Divorce

Some European countries have legalized divorce in the past 2 or 3 decades.  The divorce rates in these countries are still very low.  Italy legalized divorce in 1970, Spain legalized divorce in 1981, Ireland legalized divorce in 1995 and Malta legalized divorce in 2011.  Only Spain has seen a dramatically large change in their divorce rate.  Ireland has seen little change.  Italy’s divorce rate has doubled.  Malta has the lowest beginning rate of divorce.

The original source of this data can be found at Eurostat– Marriage & Divorce Statistics.